Notebook, or commonplace book, written by the classics scholar Ernst von Leutsch in 1824 and 1825, when he was a student at Gymnasium. The volume contains quotations, primarily in Latin and Greek, with some in German, as well as notes in German, mostly concerning classical sources. The volume includes a larger set of entries, entitled Collectanea, with a title page dated 1824, and paginated 1 to 191; and a smaller set, near the back of the book, entitled Sententiae: et poetarum et solutae orationis scriptorum cum veterum tum recentiorum collatae, with a title page dated 1825, and paginated 319 to 334. Included, in the middle of the book, is an alphabetical index with page-number references related to the entries entitled Collectanea. (The entries of the index are grouped under letters of the alphabet, without further alphabetization.) The index has a title page reading: Index latinarum vocum locupletissimus. The format of both sets of quotations/notes is similar; each entry is given a certain heading, a word or phrase, which is written in the left-hand margin. The index to the entries of Collectanea includes mainly these headings, but also some terms that occur only in the body of an entry; e.g. the scholar König and the city Duisburg are both indexed in connection with important editions of Juvenal that are mentioned in a lengthy entry on that author. The majority of the indexed terms are in Latin or are names in their Latin forms; some are in Greek; and a few are in German (Chaos; didaktische Gedichte). Most of the entries in Collectanea include quotations from and references to well known Latin and Greek authors, both poetry and prose, with noticeably frequent quotations from Ovid. However, scattered entries are in other subject areas; e.g., in an entry headed Job (Hiob), Leutsch transcribes some verses from the German translation of the book of Job by the bible scholar Friedrich Umbreit. German is used more frequently in Sententiae than in the first part of the book; some of the quotations are drawn from German literature (Schiller, Wieland), and a significant number of the headings are in German (Welt; Mensch; Weib; Liebe; Tod).